9 Easy Ways to Save Your Time and Money on Laundry

Source: marthastewart.com

Most people today lead a very active and somewhat exhausting lifestyle and everyone is looking for the most convenient solution that would help them cope with daily obligations without losing the quality of what has been done.

Laundry is one of those household chores that few people love. Women know this very well – no matter how much laundry they wash, it’s as if there’s always more. There is no need to talk about the situation in households where there are a lot of children.

However, if you are well organized, even this commitment can be less strenuous. And we are here to help you. With these 9 ways, you’ll be saving both time and money on this not-so-exciting household chore.

1. Make a weekly schedule

laundry services
Source: rjkool.com

Instead of washing your laundry spontaneously every day as it accumulates, choose three days a week when you will dedicate yourself to it. If you have children, do laundry on Wednesdays and Thursdays and then on Saturdays and Sundays. Simply, wait for it to pile up a bit.

2. Finish the laundry the same day you start washing it

Some people sort one day, wash the next day, dry the third day, stack and iron the laundry on the fourth day, or leave it for a few days until they get the will to get rid of it. Wrong! Do it all in one day. It will become less frustrating, not to mention that you won’t be dragging it through the whole week.

3. Use separate baskets

When it is necessary to wash it, put colorful laundry or clothes in one basket, in the underwear (white), and the third dark laundry.

4. Check clothes before tossing to wash

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Source: marthastewart.com

Teach children to always take everything out of their pockets when throwing clothes to wash. This saves you time going through all their pockets before turning on the machine.

5. Consider washing and dressing

Is it really necessary to throw jeans to wash after just one wear if you haven’t stained them? Wear cotton undershirts under T-shirts, shirts, and sweaters to stay cleaner and the clothes will be good to wear for as long as possible. This will save detergent, water, and money.

6. Avoid ironing

Take the clothes out of the dryer and fold them right away so you don’t have to iron them. Some people iron clothes only when they need to. So, they save on electricity and save money. However, taking the clothes out of the dryer as soon as it dries saves you the time you would otherwise spend on ironing. And we all know how time-consuming this can get.

7. Dry in the air as often as possible

dry clothes
Source: cleanipedia.com

There is no cleaner way to dry clothes than outdoors. When exposed to the sun, tons of bacteria and other things die out. Although it may take longer to dry, it’s also one of the ways to save money on electricity consumption, since you are not using your drier. Hence electricity bills will be less.

8. Buy smart

When it comes to shopping for underwear and clothing, look for something that doesn’t require too much care. The whole washing and maintenance will be easier. This goes especially for those families with a lot of children, who cannot afford to spend too much time on laundry.

9. Use laundry services

As we are forced to live quite fast, there are more and more laundry services offered, that include not only dry cleaning but also washing and ironing. These come in as a lifesaver, especially when you are single, and with a lot of other obligations. Liox Laundry, for example, can also deliver your clothes to your address, so you save time picking them up yourself.

There are also some things you should avoid when doing laundry, which also contributes to saving time and money. These are the most common laundry mistakes:

1. Wash clothes after one wear

after one wear
Source: eco-age.com

You don’t have to wash your clothes right after each wear. This will save you time, money, and the longevity of your clothes. It would be best to wash clothes after three wears. Too much washing can cause clothes to tear or shrink. Still, underwear is an exception.

2. Drying clothes on the radiator

Hanging clothes on the radiator can lead to the appearance of mold. Avoid drying clothes on the radiator and instead dry them in the tumble dryer, or in the air. If you don’t have space and you have to dry your clothes on the radiator, buy a humidifier and ventilate often.

3. Mixing white and gray

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Source: eucaonline.com.au

It’s a common mistake people make when washing clothes, and that is to think it’s okay to put gray and white in the same wash. Gray colors should suit darker clothes because the color can be worn on white clothes. It seizes to become white.

4. Washing clothes at a high temperature

It is not necessary to wash clothes always at high temperatures. Although hot washes are sometimes needed for intensive stain removal or for hygienic purposes, you do not always have to wash at high temperatures. Not only does it ruin some fabrics (wool, silk, viscose), but it can also make your average wash a lot more expensive.

5. Not turning sensitive clothes inside out

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Source: marthastewart.com

Turning with each wash causes friction between garments, and this friction can cause the printed graphics to fade and can cause stains to be applied to certain fabrics such as wool and cashmere. However, if you turn them inside out, this damage will be more subtle.

6. Washing clothes without unbuttoning

A common mistake is when people forget to unbutton their shirts before putting them in the washing machine. This can cause the buttons to crack. You always have to unbutton the buttons before throwing something in the washing machine.

Having read all of this, you must be thinking how much a philosophy there is behind a simple choir like laundry. You may be right, but it is definitely helpful.