7 Best Merchandising Displays for Retailers in Garments Business

The modern fashion industry is updating regularly as per the requirement and desires of the people. Around the world, people prefer to update their fashion sense which is quite important and they prefer to buy fashion apparel from different brands. Garments stores or brand stores have been updated by their internal theme. They have utilized the best solutions to make their appearance noticeable in the market among buyers. These days, brand stores prefer to set their merchandise in such a way that could be efficient to attract walking customers. In the olden days, brand stores were not categorized internally for the best display of their clothing items. Now, several effective solutions have been introduced for the garment stores that would be the perfect options to display merchandise separately at different sections. No doubt, all these options are superfine and advanced according to the modern trend of displaying fashion apparel.

No doubt, a perfect display of the merchandise store will also boost its sales and buyers will also attract towards the brand store. Fortunately, we have wide solutions available for displaying the merchandise items in the store as well as these options are widely preferred around the globe these days. Four major aspects of visual merchandising are effective and every merchandise store has to follow these, are as follows.

  1. Store Exterior
  2. Store Layout
  3. Store Interior
  4. Interior Display

These four pillars will help out the retail displays a new look and buyers will make their visit compulsory in the respective store. Here we will share with you the most important visual merchandising display ideas in the same discussion to brief everything. A brand owner should have to focus on these important pillars for their garments store respectively.

7 Best Merchandising Display Ideas for the Garments Stores

Following are the main pillars that will allow the garment store to set its merchandise display perfectly. All these ideas or solutions are highly recommended these days.

1.   Mannequin Display

Best Merchandising Displays for Retailers in Garments Business

Having the mannequins in the garments store is an essential requirement from the beginning. With the changes in time, mannequins have refined in body shapes as well as it is also available in women and kid’s mannequins. Mannequins can be set in the brand store to display new arrivals as well as it will also give the best idea about the perfect feel and fitting to the buyers. Mannequins in the main display of the store with decorating the new arrivals will be a perfect solution to attract the attention of the buyers. In many garment stores, you will see the trend of placing mannequins with flexible body shape in the main display. Mannequins are available in different sizes and they are also considered the best option to engage buyers that will ultimately boost its sales.

2.   Staller Display

Separately display the stallers for the women by using the staller display option in the merchandise store. Make sure to use this option in a separate section where all accessories along with fashion apparel have been displayed for the women. In many stores, this thing is strictly followed and they maintained a separate section for every category that will be easy for the buyers to find the relevant option.

3.   Hat Display

hat display

Displaying hats in the merchandise store will be quite effective and many people still prefer to wear hats. Wearing hats is also in fashion these days and it also gives a classy look all the way. Head forms are quite effective to display hats in the men’s section along with other fashion apparel. Moreover, there should be a pegboard where hats can easily display for the buyers.

4.   Body Form Mannequins for Men T-Shirt Display

T-shirts are also in trend and men prefer to wear them all the time. It is a comfortable fashion apparel option that you can wear on different occasions. The best option to display t-shirts in the garments store is to use body forms of mannequins. This type of mannequin is specified for the t-shirt display and it will also spread the complete sense to the buyer along with the touch and feel option. New arrival t-shirts should be displayed by using body forms mannequins but, other t-shirts should be hanged with the help of hangers in the wardrobe section.

5.   Glass Racks at Different Sections

Glass racks should be the perfect option for displaying fashion apparel perfectly behind the counter. It will be a good option to install some glass racks at different spots of the garment store that could be easy to approach by the buyers as well.

6.   Clothing Racks

At every section in the retail store, you will see there is a trend of hanging clothes with the help of hangers in different racks. The category should be specified by the store owners and make sure to place these racks in every section whether it is for men, women, or kids.

7.   Tables for Adjusting Clothes

It will be a good option to adjust stylish tables for displaying the merchandise in the store. Customers should be given complete access to fashion apparel.