How to Get Acquainted With a Girl in Real Life?

Getting to know a woman in real life is not as challenging as it seems at first glance. Of course, no one is immune from failure. Moreover, dating in person is more stressful than on the internet. But this type of communication also has its advantages.

With live communication, you can immediately evaluate the appearance of your chosen one, as well as impress her. If searching for Russian women for marriage on is a lottery, then meeting in life makes it possible to immediately evaluate your partner. Before you start dating, you need to identify suitable places for this.

1. Circle of friends

The easiest acquaintances occur in the circle of mutual acquaintances. You don’t even have to worry about how to meet a girl because your friends will do everything for you. If you are going somewhere to relax together, ask your friends to take familiar girls with them. In this way, they will bring in those who are considered good candidates. And this means that the girls will have positive feedback from your friends. You can also openly ask a friend to introduce you to a young lady.

2. Study

Most acquaintances can be made at the university. This time is full of romantic events and exciting adventures. If you are a student, then you will not be left without new girlfriends. Before you meet a girl, look around. Perhaps the young lady you are looking for is a classmate or a dorm roommate. You can easily start a conversation with them, and you are always in front of each other. This also makes the girl trust you. Moreover, you have at least one common topic for communication — study.

3. Work


Of course, many employers do not approve office romances, but they cannot forbid you to get acquainted with a woman. Employees always have a lot of topics for communication. Moreover, conversations with a colleague will not be as intense as with strangers.

You can not even be afraid of rejection. After all, everyone should know their employees. Entering a new team, you can ask the young lady you like to show you this building. Girls love to be helpful, and they need to know that their opinion is taken into account.

After that, you can thank the young lady with lunch outside the working environment. But don’t do it on the first day. Try to make friends first. To do this, ask for her advice and assistance.

4. Book store

It is a perfect place to meet educated girls. Moreover, you can always discuss some book with a stranger or ask her for advice. If you see a woman you like, take a closer look at the book in her hands. You can come up and say: “Oh, are you taking this book too? I have wanted to read it for a long time. Do you think it’s interesting? Could you please recommend something to me from what you have already read? Maybe you take this book, and I’ll read another, and then we will change and discuss them over coffee?”

5. Nightclub

It is the most common meeting place. Alcohol does its job and the young ladies gladly agree to get acquainted. If you are unsure of yourself and your communication skills, take a friend who will be your “co-pilot.” To start a conversation, you can stand a woman for a drink. Use the same topics for conversation as on the internet. They are common for the first meetings. It is better to choose a club or bar where the music is not very loud. Otherwise, you simply will not hear each other.


When the place is determined and the right girl is found, a direct approach and acquaintance follow.

1. Eye contact

Before approaching the young lady, you need to establish eye contact with her. Look at the girl, but don’t stare. Catch her eye on you. If your chosen one smiles and is embarrassed, then this is a sign for action, and she wants you to get to know her. Approach the woman and talk to her. To get started, just say hello and introduce yourself. If a girl is set to communicate, then she will answer you.

2. Contacts


When your communication is established, you feel that the young lady is also disposed toward you, you can ask for her contacts for further communication. Appropriate phrases for this are:

  • “Listen, I have to go, I’m pressed for time. But I would like to continue our conversation soon. Give me please your contacts so we can meet again and talk.”
  • “Listen, you are so interesting to talk to. I haven’t had such a sincere conversation in a long time. Let’s exchange contacts and go to the place you like. I would like to go there too.”

3. Do not plan

Every time you plan an acquaintance and think through every word and movement, you make huge mistakes. If you deviate from the plan, you get lost and embarrassed. Girls see this and feel your self-doubt.

4. Experience

Each woman teaches you something that can be useful when communicating with the next girl. Only a fool considers his mistakes useless and then commits them again and again. Failure is also an experience, sometimes even more valuable than success.

Never let go. Her refusal can be caused by a bad mood, a really busy day, her hangups, or she can be married. All these reasons are not your fault — this also happens. Over time, you will be able to determine immediately which woman wants to get acquainted and which does not. In the meantime, don’t be afraid and try to communicate with girls more, gaining your precious experience.

Women are fickle creatures and are very dependent on their feelings. But you should not be afraid of it because young ladies also want to find men. Perhaps the girl you have been afraid to approach for so long is waiting for you. But you won’t know exactly until you talk to her. Good luck with your search!