Here are some tips and tricks where you can improve your spelling.

11th grade spelling

There are lots of irregular and exceptions to spelling in English. If you don’t know the spelling of a word, it tends to be difficult to apply the rationale. For example, the word “phone” seems like it starts with an “f”. Still, it starts with “P”, but the word “call” doesn’t sound like it starts with a “K”. When you are trying to memorize spelling, in shortcuts may seem like few, but a combination of simple and old iterations and the tips and tricks in this article can help you get there quickly.

Learn the main rules

Learning English spelling rules may not be as simple as it sounds with the above special cases. Yet, essentially you can begin distinguishing normal examples and letter blends so that spelling words can figure. These include common endings such as “-een”, “-ough”, and “-tion”, silent K or G words, and homonyms (words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings). ) Maybe included.

Know the rule of exceptions

After learning these rules, make sure that you know the exceptions as well. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to learn these exceptions. It’s a matter of recognizing them, trying to remember that the words may not meet the rules you learned and memorizing the words that do not.

Crossword and codeword

Puzzles are a good way to train your brain and improve your general knowledge, but they are also a good way to improve your spelling. You can also learn dictation words for grade 11 with the help of this way. Crossword puzzles provide a set of clues that need to fit in overlapping horizontal and vertical boxes, while code words look like crosswords, but you have to decide which numbers represent which letters. 

Watch English TV with subtitles

If you learn English while watching TV shows, movies in English, you can improve your spelling power without noticing it. Just turn on subtitles of whatever you are watching, and you’ll know the spelling of the word you’re listening to.  With the help of learning you can also improve in 11th grade spelling words. It’s too fast to take notes. This permits you to identify cases where the word you wrote is “not displayed correctly” so you can look it up later until you find the spelling correct.

Divide it into syllables

It may be helpful to split the word into syllables for long words to make it easier to remember the spelling. For example, many people are confused by the word “some” because it looks and sounds like “individual.” You have already seen how to memorize “separation”, but you can memorize “many” by dividing it into “many-ER-al”. “Desperate” is another trick because it looks like it needs to be spelled like “separate”, but breaking it down into syllables helps to remind you that it’s “desp-ER-ate”.

About the answer: don’t trust the spell checker.

The spell checker does not catch misspelled words, but it is still a valid word and may not detect all errors. For example, if you typed “for you” instead of “for you”, this is incorrect, but “four” is still a word and will not be registered in the spell checker. Similarly, you can enter a word to see the red wavy underline and have the spell checker correct it, but it may not have been corrected to the desired word.

Place posters and flashcards in the room.

 You can paste a poster in your room by a quick Google search for “English Vocabulary Poster” will find hundreds of posters designed to familiarize you with your English vocabulary. These are also useful for learning spelling.  If you are interested in learning spelling with an online platform then you can go on this site to improve spelling. If you have a particular spelling problem, you can also try creating your poster for complex spelling. Please put it in your room and study it for a few minutes every day. Hide each spelling and try to remember it without looking.

Write the spelling multiple times

It sounds boring, but the proven way to learn to spell is to type the word multiple times. Look at the original word a couple of times first, then hide it and try rewriting the word a few more times without looking at previous attempts. There may be no alternative to repeating it when learning to spell it, as boring as it was then!

Learn the plural

Unfortunately, learning the plural form of a word is not as easy as adding an “S” to the end of the word. You can improve plural spelling by learning the plural word rules that differ depending on the end of the word and its origin. For example, the plural of the word “berry” is not “berry” but “berry”, and the plural of the word “knife” is not “knives” (“knives” is the third present tense of the verb ). “Knife”) is a “knife”.

Correct pronunciation

Mispronounced words can lead to misspelling. This is because you are trying to spell the word the way you want it. Many British people are also guilty of this, so don’t despair if you realize you’re doing it! For example, many people say that the word “espresso” (coffee) is pronounced “espresso” and spelled that way, or the word “creek” is pronounced and spelled “click”. Even if the pronunciation is correct, problems can occur. For example, “Wednesday” is pronounced “Wednesday,” which some people have difficulty writing. In this example, the advice given above for splitting into syllables may be helpful. “Wednesday-Sun” may be easier to remember than the entire word.