How to Share Someone’s Instagram Story As Your Own

share someones Instagram story as your own

Introduced in 2016, Stories are a great way to interact with your Instagram followers with content you wouldn’t want permanently on your feed. Stories are temporary as they last only 24 hours and after that, they are gone unless you add them to your highlights where they will stay a little longer. 

Stories are short which makes them a good source of engagement as people tend to like content that doesn’t take much of their time. You can also share your stories with people who are not your followers, reaching out to new audiences. Stories shared by other users can also be shared on your own with some conditions. 

Here we will be explaining how you can share your friend’s stories on your own through easy steps.  

Reposting Stories on Instagram

The ability to share other people’s content has to be one of the best qualities of a social media website. It lets you show your friends and followers content other users have been posting, increasing engagement for both your page and the original creator. On Instagram, sharing is termed as reposting. 

So to share someone’s story on your own profile, you would need to repost it. Reposting helps you keep your content fresh as your followers get exposed to a variety of different content. 

As soon as you get mentioned by someone in their story, Instagram will allow you to repost it on your own story so your followers can see it too. 

How to Share Someone Else’s Instagram story?

Now you know what reposting is and when it can be used, so let’s get into the steps to share someone else’s story. 

  1. Choose which story you want to share. Then tap on the profile to reveal the story. As the story is shown on your display, tap the three dots in the right corner of the bottom of your screen. 
  2. A menu will appear and now you can either tap the paper airplane icon or ‘Copy link’ to share the Instagram story with your friends. 
  3. Select the “Add This to your Story” option and then add any customizations you want such as gifs, images, etc. Once you are done, click “Your Story” and the content will be shared with your followers on the Instagram platform. 

There are some limitations to sharing other user’s stories. The user must have a public account and the sharing option should be enabled. If it’s not, then you need to be mentioned in the story to share as your own. Upon being mentioned, you will receive a notification. So to repost a user’s story where you are mentioned perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Instagram Messages by tapping on the paper airplane icon on the top right corner and then open the message where you are mentioned.
  2. Tap the “Add This to your Story” option. 

How to Repost an Instagram Story if You’re Not Tagged?

Instagram natively doesn’t allow you to share someone else’s story if you are not tagged. Now you may be wondering that there must be some sort of third-party app suitable for this task. Unfortunately, these third-party apps work only for posts at the moment and don’t allow the reposting of other people’s stories. 

However, there is one way you can get around this restriction, by using the screenshot feature of your smartphone or screen recording for video-based stories. Regardless of the platform, both IOS and Android now allow for screen capturing features. To share someone else’s Instagram story, you will need to screenshot it and then upload it as a news story on your own Instagram profile

How To Tag Someone on an Instagram Story?

If your Instagram story has another user, you can mention them. Simply tap on the screen and you will get a textbox. The font can be customized through the options available on the top of the screen. The tagging process is similar to toggling people on your captions, as all you have to do is start typing with a ‘@’ symbol and then followed with the user’s account name. You can also select the user from the drop-down menu of suggestions. 

How to Add Links to Instagram Stories?

Instagram stories can also be used to direct your followers to your own site through a clickable link. And This, however, requires your account to either be verified or have more than 10,000 followers. These links can be a great source of traffic as Instagram Stories have an incredible rate of engagement from its users. 


Reposting other people’s stories help greatly in generating leads and engagement. It gives you a break from creating new content and your followers also get to see content from a different creator. This helps in both pleasing your present followers and attracting new ones, resulting in a win-win situation.